Search Diary of a Cardioholic

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Up to 2.8lbs...REALLY?!

Boo! I weigh in every Saturday at the Weight Watchers in Irvine. I've been struggling, as I've previously mentioned, and had only lost a total of .4 lbs in four weeks, and not from lack of following program. The weight just doesn't want to come off. I was hoping that my scale at home was wrong and I would be down a couple of pounds because the amount of working out I do should finally start kicking in. Well, I was wrong. I GAINED 2.8 LBS!?! What a crock! My leader Jan and I talked it out. She told me for the amount of working out I'm doing she doesn't think I'm eating enough. She told me to add 2 points a day regardless of if I exercise and to be sure that I eat at least half of my exercise points (points you gain back for the level of intensity of your workout). I checked the exercise point scale and for my hip-hop class alone I should be eating 8 more points a day. So maybe I'm not eating enough each day....

Yesterday was my free day so I didn't count points. And I will tell you, in detail, how I spent my freedom :)

Multigrain Cheerios (1 cup) - 2 points
Non-fat Milk (1/2 cup) - 1 point
Regal Movie Theater Popcorn (1/4 of a large tub) - 9 points *that's depressing*
Reeses Pieces (3/4 of a box) - 4 points
Golden Spoon (1 mini serving) - 1 point
Cheesecake Bites Topping (mini serving) - 3 points
Three Miller Lights (spread out over 5 hours) - 6 points
Chicken Taquito (1 serving) - 4 points
Chicken Chimichanga (1/2 a chimichanga) - 3 points
In-N-Out Cheeseburger - 11 points
In-N-Out Fries (1/4 of a box) - 4 points
In-N-Out Chocolate Shake (1/2 a shake) - 8 points *I didn't even like it*

Total of 56 points yesterday.

Now before you get all upset with me for eating so poorly, let's see if I even used all my free 35 points. 23 points is my daily points allowance. That means I ate 33 extra points. Technically, that means I can have two more points extra during the week. So back off. And, from those handy dandy calculations above, I've learned that I will never, ever, ever be tempted to have an In-N-Out Chocolate Shake again. Because, let's be real, that thing is not very good and definitely not worth 16 points if I drank the whole thing. And I've learned that if I get movie theater popcorn to get it un-buttered. I didn't add butter to it yesterday, but it still tasted a little buttery.

Yesterday I didn't have a chance to work out (and I don't feel guilty about it), but I did go bowling with Michelle, Cam and Liz, so maybe I burned off that Golden Spoon.

Also, if any of you like scary movies, "The Crazies" is fantastic. I see one scary movie a year, my choice, and I always try to pick a movie that looks like there is more to it than just gore. "The Crazies" had a storyline to it and was more implied violence than actually showing anything...aside from maybe one scene.

Back to the grind tomorrow. I'll be in San Diego for work, and will be bringing lunch into an account. What should I bring? I'll make a decision tonight, and will make a healthy choice for myself. Looking forward to the hubby getting home tonight, he's been in Vegas for a bachelor party all weekend and I miss his face. Everyone wish him luck as he starts his Fire Academy this week for the San Diego County Fire Authority. Yay!

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